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BaseRPSGame Class Reference
[Base Objects]

Inheritance diagram for BaseRPSGame:

MyObject BaseObject MyModule BaseModule List of all members.

Detailed Description

Easily add RPS gaming functionality to your site.

Allow your users to challenge each other to Rock Paper Scissors and duke it out with taunts, statistics, and alert sytem integration. Lots of fun.

Definition at line 9 of file

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($data=null, $table= 'janken')
 initialize our oject.
 getPagesXml ()
 add in our special pages.
 initChallengePage ()
 prep our challenge page
 drawChallengePage ()
 draw our challenge page
 initTauntPage ()
 prep our taunt page
 drawTauntPage ()
 draw our taunt page
 createTauntForm ()
 create a form for adding our taunt
 initDefendPage ()
 prep our defend page.
 canView ()
 who can view it? by default everyone =)
 canEdit ()
 who can edit it? by default nobody
 canDelete ()
 who can delete it? by default nobody
 drawChallengeBox ($userId)
 draw a challenge box for a user.
 initViewPage ()
 prep our view page
 drawViewPage ()
 draw our view page
 drawDefendBox ()
 draw a box for the defender to defend themselves.
 drawFightBox ()
 draw information about the fight
 getUserStats ($userId)
 get an array of stats about a users RPS performance
 lookupData ($deep=true)
 lookup our data.
 getDataToCache ($deep=true)
 this is the funciton that gets the data we need saved to cache.
 setDataFromCache ($data, $deep=true)
 this function sets the data in the object from the data we retrieved from the cache.
 getCreateFieldsArray ()
 get the fields for the table.
 getCreateIndexesArray ()
 get the indexes for the table.

Public Attributes

 this is our attacker object
 this is our defender object

Static Public Attributes

 our win matrix.

Protected Member Functions

 getDeletePageXml ()
 no delete page.
 getEditPageXml ()
 no edit page.

Member Function Documentation

BaseRPSGame::__construct data = null,
table = 'janken'

initialize our oject.

See also:

Reimplemented from BaseObject.

Definition at line 46 of file

BaseRPSGame::canDelete  ) 

who can delete it? by default nobody

Reimplemented from BaseObject.

Definition at line 252 of file

BaseRPSGame::canEdit  ) 

who can edit it? by default nobody

Reimplemented from BaseObject.

Definition at line 244 of file

BaseRPSGame::canView  ) 

who can view it? by default everyone =)

Reimplemented from BaseObject.

Definition at line 236 of file

BaseRPSGame::createTauntForm  ) 

create a form for adding our taunt

a Form used for taunting

Definition at line 185 of file

References BaseModule::getUrl().

Referenced by drawChallengePage(), and drawTauntPage().

BaseRPSGame::drawChallengeBox userId  ) 

draw a challenge box for a user.

it shows some text and the three options for attacking

$userId the id of the user who will be challenged

Definition at line 263 of file

References BaseModule::getLink().

Referenced by drawViewPage().

BaseRPSGame::drawChallengePage  ) 

draw our challenge page

Definition at line 122 of file

References createTauntForm(), BaseModule::params(), and BaseObject::save().

BaseRPSGame::drawDefendBox  ) 

draw a box for the defender to defend themselves.

Definition at line 348 of file

References BaseModule::getLink().

Referenced by drawViewPage().

BaseRPSGame::drawFightBox  ) 

draw information about the fight

Definition at line 366 of file

Referenced by drawViewPage().

BaseRPSGame::drawTauntPage  ) 

draw our taunt page

Definition at line 165 of file

References createTauntForm(), Util::redirect(), and BaseObject::save().

BaseRPSGame::drawViewPage  ) 

draw our view page

Definition at line 291 of file

References Linkify::bbcode(), drawChallengeBox(), drawDefendBox(), and drawFightBox().

BaseRPSGame::getCreateFieldsArray  ) 

get the fields for the table.

See also:

Reimplemented from BaseObject.

Definition at line 495 of file

BaseRPSGame::getCreateIndexesArray  ) 

get the indexes for the table.

See also:

Reimplemented from BaseObject.

Definition at line 520 of file

BaseRPSGame::getDataToCache deep = true  ) 

this is the funciton that gets the data we need saved to cache.

by default it saves our data, and will save the comments or tags objects if needed. its recommended to extend this to add data that you'd like cached by the object

an array of data to cache

Reimplemented from BaseObject.

Definition at line 468 of file

BaseRPSGame::getDeletePageXml  )  [protected]

no delete page.

you cant delete your games. sorry losers.

Reimplemented from BaseObject.

Definition at line 56 of file

BaseRPSGame::getEditPageXml  )  [protected]

no edit page.

you cant edit your games. sorry losers.

Reimplemented from BaseObject.

Definition at line 64 of file

BaseRPSGame::getPagesXml  ) 

add in our special pages.

challenge - challenge someone to a game of RPS defend - defend yourself in a game of RPS taunt - add a taunt to your attack

Reimplemented from BaseObject.

Definition at line 76 of file

BaseRPSGame::getUserStats userId  ) 

get an array of stats about a users RPS performance

This function return a keyed array here are what they mean:

offwin - offense wins offloss - offense losses offtie - offense ties offpercent - offense win percent defwin - defense wins defloss - defense losses deftie - defense ties defpercent - defense win percent totwin - total wins totloss - total losses tottie - total ties totpercent - total win percent

$userId the id of the user to lookup
an array with keys as described above

Definition at line 396 of file

References dbFetchAssoc(), and dbQuery().

BaseRPSGame::initChallengePage  ) 

prep our challenge page

Definition at line 107 of file

References BaseModule::assertLogin(), and BaseModule::params().

BaseRPSGame::initDefendPage  ) 

prep our defend page.

Definition at line 207 of file

References BaseModule::assertLogin(), initViewPage(), BaseModule::params(), Util::redirect(), and BaseObject::save().

BaseRPSGame::initTauntPage  ) 

prep our taunt page

Definition at line 149 of file

References BaseModule::assertLogin(), and BaseModule::params().

BaseRPSGame::initViewPage  ) 

prep our view page

Definition at line 281 of file

Referenced by initDefendPage().

BaseRPSGame::lookupData deep = true  ) 

lookup our data.

See also:

Reimplemented from BaseObject.

Definition at line 457 of file

BaseRPSGame::setDataFromCache data,
deep = true

this function sets the data in the object from the data we retrieved from the cache.

it takes the data from the array and puts it in the object. you'll want to override this one if you added custome data in getDataToCache() and load it into the object.

$data the data we got from teh cache

Reimplemented from BaseObject.

Definition at line 478 of file

Member Data Documentation


this is our attacker object

Definition at line 36 of file


this is our defender object

Definition at line 41 of file

BaseRPSGame::$winMatrix [static]

Initial value:

        'rock' => array(
            'rock' => 'tie',
            'paper' => 'defense',
            'scissors' => 'offense'
        'paper' => array(
            'rock' => 'offense',
            'paper' => 'tie',
            'scissors' => 'defense'
        'scissors' => array(
            'rock' => 'defense',
            'paper' => 'offense',
            'scissors' => 'tie'
our win matrix.

a 3x3 array of win/loss/tie where the first index is the attackers move, and the second index is the defenders move

Definition at line 15 of file

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