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ObjectManager Class Reference
[Object Managers]

Inheritance diagram for ObjectManager:

MyModule BaseModule MyManager BaseAlerts BaseCalendar BaseForums BaseForumThreads BaseGallery BaseInbox BaseInvitations BaseOutbox BaseThread BaseUserActions List of all members.

Detailed Description

A class to handle searching/sorting/pagination of BaseObjects.

The parent class that implements all the searching / sorting of all the objects. This class provides outputs on the searched data in a variety of formats: html - default, used for showing a website xml - XML output of the public data on the objects json - JSON output of the public data on the objects. good for ajax php - PHP serialized() output of the public data on the objects. good for exporting to other PHP scripts rss - RSS formatted data on the object. very handy for creating RSS feeds on anything and everything on your site.

Definition at line 13 of file

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($objectType, $table=null, $numRows=15)
 factory ($data=null)
 create a new object of the type we need.
 getSortOptionXml ()
 get our option xml string for what we can sort on.
 delete ($rs)
 delete a set of objects.
 getPagesXml ()
 get our pages...
 getSearchPageXml ()
 our search page xml configuration.
 getSearchParamXml ()
 our search page parameter xml configuration.
 initMainPage ()
 initialize our main page...
 initSearchPage ()
 initialize our search page.
 drawSearchPage ()
 draw our search page!
 initSearch ($params)
 initialize our search.
 getSearchQuery ($params)
 get teh entire search query.
 drawPagination ()
 draws our pagination info wrapped in a div with id of 'pagination'
 getPaginationStats ()
 get a string about our pagination.
 getPaginationNav ()
 get our pagination nav.
 getPaginationUrl ($page)
 get a pagination url
 getPaginationLink ($page, $link=null)
 get a pagination link
 getPaginationFirst ()
 get our first page link.
 getPaginationPrev ()
 get our previous page link.
 getPaginationNext ()
 get our next page link.
 getPaginationLast ()
 get our last page link.
 hasPage ($page)
 determines if a page exists or not
 calculatePagination ()
 calculate our pagination stuff...
 getSearchResult ()
 get our search result.
 drawResults ($rs)
 draws our result set.
 drawRssLink ($params=null)
 draw our rss link.
 getRssLink ($link, $text, $addFeed=true)
 This gets a link to the rss feed! Its super easy.
 getPlainRssLink ($link, $text, $addFeed=true)
 get a plain text link to the rss feed
 drawNoResults ()
 this function is called on a search page when there are no results.
 drawRows ($rs, $class=null)
 this draws the rows for each object.
 drawLines ($rs, $class=null)
 This draws all the objects in one-line form.
 userSearch ($userId, $limit=null)
 search for a user's content..
 search ($params=array(), $limit=null)
 search for objects.
 searchCount ($params=array(), $cache=true)
 just like search, except all you get is a count of objects.
 generateRss ($params=array(), $useCached=true)
 generate our rss.
 getPublicData ($params)
 get our public data.
 isAdmin ()
 This function determines admin status.
 createSearchForm ($query=null)
 create our search form for searching.
 drawSearchForm ()
 draw our search form for doing fulltext searches

Public Attributes

 $useRss = true
 public Bool that determines if we use rss or not
 public The total number of results we got.
 public The number of results per page (default: 15)
 $useFullTextSearch = true
 boolean of whether we use fulltext search or not.

Static Public Attributes

 $cacheSearchCount = true
 do we cache the search query count?
 $cacheSearchQuery = false
 do we cache search query results?
 $searchCacheLife = 300
 how long to cache the results of our search querys (count and the actual select)

Protected Member Functions

 getSortFieldsArray ()
 this function gets all the possible sort values.
 getSearchOutputXml ()
 get the xml for our search output types
 initSearchPageOutput ()
 initialize the search page output type.
 initPHPOutput ()
 init the page for PHP output: blank template
 initJSONOutput ()
 init the page for JSON output: blank template
 initRSSOutput ()
 init the page for RSS output: blank template
 initXMLOutput ()
 init page for XML output: XMLTemplate and checks to see if needed classes exist
 initAutocompleteOutput ()
 init page for autocomplete.
 initHTMLOutput ()
 init page for HTML output: nothing to do
 drawHTMLOutput ()
 draw our HTML output: draw a search form, and the results
 drawRssOutput ()
 draw our rss page.
 drawJSONOutput ()
 draw our json page.
 drawXMLOutput ()
 draw our xml page.
 drawPHPOutput ()
 draw our php serialize page...
 drawAutocompleteOutput ()
 draw autocomplete page.
 getSearchSelect ($params=array())
 get the select part of our search query.
 getSearchCountSelect ($params=array())
 get the select count part of our search query.
 getSearchFrom ($params=array())
 get the from/join part of our search query.
 getSearchWhere ($params=array())
 get the where part of our search query.
 getFullTextSearch ($query)
 get our fulltext search MATCH string.
 getLikeSearch ($query)
 get our like search string.
 getSearchGroupBy ($params=array())
 get the group by part of our search query.
 getPrivacyWhere ($params=array())
 get the where by part of our search query.
 getSearchOrder ($params=array())
 get the order part of our search query.
 doObjectSearch ()
 do the search for the objects
 loadObjects ($data)
 load the database data into an array of objects

Protected Attributes

 protected The query string to use for getting objects

Private Attributes

 $resultPage = 0
 private what result page we're on.
 $startRow = 0
 private the row to start on.
 $endRow = 0
 private the row to end on.
 $searchParams = array()
 private the array of parameters used in the last search

Member Function Documentation

ObjectManager::__construct objectType,
table = null,
numRows = 15

Reimplemented in BaseGallery.

Definition at line 96 of file

References $object, $table, and factory().

ObjectManager::calculatePagination  ) 

calculate our pagination stuff...

what we start on, end on, etc.

Definition at line 1004 of file

Referenced by getSearchResult().

ObjectManager::createSearchForm query = null  ) 

create our search form for searching.

returns a Form object that does searching.

Definition at line 1423 of file

References $query, BaseModule::getUrl(), and BaseModule::params().

Referenced by drawSearchForm().

ObjectManager::delete rs  ) 

delete a set of objects.

$rs an array of objects to delete.

Definition at line 183 of file

ObjectManager::doObjectSearch  )  [protected]

do the search for the objects

if ObjectManager::cacheSearchQuery is true, it will try to load it from the cache. otherwise it will do the query itself.

an array of arrays of object data from the DB

Definition at line 1045 of file

References dbFetchAssoc(), dbQuery(), CacheBot::get(), and CacheBot::set().

Referenced by getSearchResult().

ObjectManager::drawAutocompleteOutput  )  [protected]

draw autocomplete page.

basically just get our data, wrap it in a

call BaseObject::getAutocompleteRow() on each object.


Definition at line 552 of file

References getSearchResult().

Referenced by drawSearchPage().

ObjectManager::drawHTMLOutput  )  [protected]

draw our HTML output: draw a search form, and the results

Reimplemented in BaseInvitations.

Definition at line 481 of file

References drawNoResults(), drawResults(), drawSearchForm(), and getSearchResult().

Referenced by drawSearchPage().

ObjectManager::drawJSONOutput  )  [protected]

draw our json page.

get public data and encode.

Definition at line 509 of file

References JSON::encode(), and getPublicData().

Referenced by drawSearchPage().

ObjectManager::drawLines rs,
class = null

This draws all the objects in one-line form.

they are wrapped in a div of objectType + Line

$rs an array of objects to draw.
$class the css class to wrap the objects in.

Definition at line 1243 of file

ObjectManager::drawNoResults  ) 

this function is called on a search page when there are no results.

Definition at line 1184 of file

Referenced by drawHTMLOutput().

ObjectManager::drawPagination  ) 

draws our pagination info wrapped in a div with id of 'pagination'

Definition at line 844 of file

References getPaginationNav(), and getPaginationStats().

Referenced by drawResults().

ObjectManager::drawPHPOutput  )  [protected]

draw our php serialize page...

echo the serialized() public data.

Definition at line 541 of file

Referenced by drawSearchPage().

ObjectManager::drawResults rs  ) 

draws our result set.

pagination, rows, rss link.

$rs an array of objects.

Definition at line 1114 of file

References drawPagination(), drawRows(), and drawRssLink().

Referenced by BaseCalendar::drawCalendarPage(), BaseCalendar::drawDatePage(), and drawHTMLOutput().

ObjectManager::drawRows rs,
class = null

this draws the rows for each object.

calls drawHeaderRow() on teh object, and then drawRow() on each object in teh result set. each object is wrapped in a div of class $class.

$rs an array of objects to draw.
$class the css class to wrap the objects in.

Definition at line 1197 of file

Referenced by drawResults().

ObjectManager::drawRssLink params = null  ) 

draw our rss link.

$params parameters to append to the rss link.

Definition at line 1129 of file

References getRssLink(), and BaseModule::params().

Referenced by drawResults().

ObjectManager::drawRssOutput  )  [protected]

draw our rss page.

generate, draw, and save.

Definition at line 500 of file

References generateRss().

ObjectManager::drawSearchForm  ) 

draw our search form for doing fulltext searches

Definition at line 1453 of file

References createSearchForm(), and BaseModule::needsJs().

Referenced by BaseCalendar::drawCalendarPage(), and drawHTMLOutput().

ObjectManager::drawSearchPage  ) 

draw our search page!

Definition at line 440 of file

References drawAutocompleteOutput(), drawHTMLOutput(), drawJSONOutput(), drawPHPOutput(), drawXMLOutput(), and BaseModule::params().

Referenced by BaseCalendar::drawPastPage(), BaseCalendar::drawPopularPage(), and BaseCalendar::drawUpcomingPage().

ObjectManager::drawXMLOutput  )  [protected]

draw our xml page.

get public data and encode.

Definition at line 519 of file

References getPublicData().

Referenced by drawSearchPage().

ObjectManager::factory data = null  ) 

create a new object of the type we need.

$data optional data to pass to the object.
the newly created object.

Reimplemented in BaseThread.

Definition at line 124 of file

Referenced by __construct(), and loadObjects().

ObjectManager::generateRss params = array(),
useCached = true

generate our rss.

uses the feedcreator class.

$params a keyed array of parameters as for search used to search for rss items.
$useCached boolean of whether we want to cache. default: true
the UniversialFeedCreator object.

Definition at line 1344 of file

References Config::get(), and search().

Referenced by drawRssOutput().

ObjectManager::getFullTextSearch query  )  [protected]

get our fulltext search MATCH string.

the string to match against.
the match string to use in sql.

Definition at line 758 of file

Referenced by getSearchSelect(), and getSearchWhere().

ObjectManager::getLikeSearch query  )  [protected]

get our like search string.

used to match against the BaseObject::likeFields with sql format LIKE '%$query%'

$query the string to match against
a sql string of: AND (like matches) where we match against any field in the likeFields array

Definition at line 776 of file

Referenced by getSearchWhere().

ObjectManager::getPagesXml  ) 

get our pages...

default + php, rss, json, and search.

the xml string of pages.

Reimplemented from BaseModule.

Reimplemented in BaseCalendar, BaseInbox, and BaseOutbox.

Definition at line 195 of file

References getSearchPageXml().

ObjectManager::getPaginationFirst  ) 

get our first page link.

the markup string.

Definition at line 947 of file

References getPaginationLink().

Referenced by getPaginationNav().

ObjectManager::getPaginationLast  ) 

get our last page link.

the markup string.

Definition at line 977 of file

References getPaginationLink().

Referenced by getPaginationNav().

ObjectManager::getPaginationLink page,
link = null

get a pagination link

$page the page to link to.
$link the text to link. default null = number of the page.
a html link.

Definition at line 930 of file

References getPaginationUrl().

Referenced by getPaginationFirst(), getPaginationLast(), getPaginationNav(), getPaginationNext(), and getPaginationPrev().

ObjectManager::getPaginationNav  ) 

get our pagination nav.

pages, prev/next, etc.

our string ready to use.

Definition at line 867 of file

References $s, getPaginationFirst(), getPaginationLast(), getPaginationLink(), getPaginationNext(), getPaginationPrev(), and hasPage().

Referenced by drawPagination().

ObjectManager::getPaginationNext  ) 

get our next page link.

the markup string.

Definition at line 967 of file

References getPaginationLink().

Referenced by getPaginationNav().

ObjectManager::getPaginationPrev  ) 

get our previous page link.

the markup string.

Definition at line 957 of file

References getPaginationLink().

Referenced by getPaginationNav().

ObjectManager::getPaginationStats  ) 

get a string about our pagination.

a-b of x, etc.

the string ready to use

Definition at line 857 of file

Referenced by drawPagination().

ObjectManager::getPaginationUrl page  ) 

get a pagination url

$page the page to use
the url of that page

Definition at line 911 of file

References BaseModule::getUrl(), and search().

Referenced by getPaginationLink().

ObjectManager::getPlainRssLink link,
addFeed = true

get a plain text link to the rss feed

$link the feed to link to
$text the text to link
$addFeed boolean if we should add feed to header or not
the html for the rss link

Definition at line 1173 of file

References BaseModule::addFeed(), and BaseModule::getLink().

Referenced by getRssLink().

ObjectManager::getPrivacyWhere params = array()  )  [protected]

get the where by part of our search query.

this is specifically for privacy options.

$params a keyed array of parameters. same as search page.

Definition at line 802 of file

Referenced by getSearchWhere().

ObjectManager::getPublicData params  ) 

get our public data.

actually its an array of the object's public data... but same diff.

$params a keyed array of parameters to search on. same as search()
an array of public data. woot!

Definition at line 1384 of file

References search().

Referenced by drawJSONOutput(), and drawXMLOutput().

ObjectManager::getRssLink link,
addFeed = true

This gets a link to the rss feed! Its super easy.

Plus it includes the rss icon and a help link.

$link the link to the rss page. generally its '.rss?param=value'
$text the text to include in the link describing it.
$addFeed boolean to add a feed link in the header... saves lots of work, dont it?

Definition at line 1157 of file

References getPlainRssLink().

Referenced by BaseThread::drawCommentTable(), and drawRssLink().

ObjectManager::getSearchCountSelect params = array()  )  [protected]

get the select count part of our search query.

$params a keyed array of parameters. same as search page.

Definition at line 658 of file

Referenced by getSearchQuery().

ObjectManager::getSearchFrom params = array()  )  [protected]

get the from/join part of our search query.

$params a keyed array of parameters. same as search page.

Reimplemented in BaseCalendar, BaseInbox, and BaseOutbox.

Definition at line 668 of file

Referenced by getSearchQuery().

ObjectManager::getSearchGroupBy params = array()  )  [protected]

get the group by part of our search query.

$params a keyed array of parameters. same as search page.

Reimplemented in BaseCalendar.

Definition at line 792 of file

Referenced by getSearchQuery().

ObjectManager::getSearchOrder params = array()  )  [protected]

get the order part of our search query.

$params a keyed array of parameters. same as search page.

Reimplemented in BaseCalendar, and BaseForumThreads.

Definition at line 811 of file

Referenced by getSearchQuery().

ObjectManager::getSearchOutputXml  )  [protected]

get the xml for our search output types

the output types in xml format

Definition at line 302 of file

Referenced by getSearchParamXml().

ObjectManager::getSearchPageXml  ) 

our search page xml configuration.

the xml string of search page & params.

Definition at line 211 of file

References getSearchParamXml().

Referenced by getPagesXml().

ObjectManager::getSearchParamXml  ) 

our search page parameter xml configuration.

the xml string of search params.

Reimplemented in BaseCalendar, BaseForumThreads, BaseInbox, BaseInvitations, and BaseThread.

Definition at line 225 of file

References getSearchOutputXml(), and getSortOptionXml().

Referenced by getSearchPageXml().

ObjectManager::getSearchQuery params  ) 

get teh entire search query.

$params a keyed array of parameters. same as search page
the entire search wuere, limit and all

Definition at line 593 of file

References dbFetchAssoc(), dbQuery(), CacheBot::get(), getSearchCountSelect(), getSearchFrom(), getSearchGroupBy(), getSearchOrder(), getSearchSelect(), getSearchWhere(), and CacheBot::set().

Referenced by initSearch().

ObjectManager::getSearchResult  ) 

get our search result.

used to do query, setup array of objects, preload secondary objects to save queries (users, comments, etc..), also calculates pagination.

the array of result objects

Definition at line 1023 of file

References calculatePagination(), doObjectSearch(), and loadObjects().

Referenced by drawAutocompleteOutput(), drawHTMLOutput(), and search().

ObjectManager::getSearchSelect params = array()  )  [protected]

get the select part of our search query.

$params a keyed array of parameters. same as search page.

Reimplemented in BaseCalendar, and BaseInbox.

Definition at line 642 of file

References getFullTextSearch().

Referenced by getSearchQuery().

ObjectManager::getSearchWhere params = array()  )  [protected]

get the where part of our search query.

$params a keyed array of parameters. same as search page.

Reimplemented in BaseAlerts, BaseCalendar, BaseForumThreads, BaseInbox, BaseInvitations, BaseOutbox, and BaseUserActions.

Definition at line 680 of file

References getFullTextSearch(), getLikeSearch(), getPrivacyWhere(), and BaseModule::parseModuleXml().

Referenced by getSearchQuery().

ObjectManager::getSortFieldsArray  )  [protected]

this function gets all the possible sort values.

override this to add sortable fields. name, birthday, etc.

an array with keys as the sortable fields, and values of the description

Reimplemented in BaseCalendar, BaseForums, and BaseInbox.

Definition at line 152 of file

Referenced by getSortOptionXml().

ObjectManager::getSortOptionXml  ) 

get our option xml string for what we can sort on.

the xml string of sort options

Definition at line 134 of file

References getSortFieldsArray().

Referenced by getSearchParamXml().

ObjectManager::hasPage page  ) 

determines if a page exists or not

$page the number of the page.
boolean of its status

Definition at line 991 of file

Referenced by getPaginationNav().

ObjectManager::initAutocompleteOutput  )  [protected]

init page for autocomplete.

no template just blank page.


Definition at line 424 of file

References BaseModule::setTemplate().

Referenced by initSearchPageOutput().

ObjectManager::initHTMLOutput  )  [protected]

init page for HTML output: nothing to do

Definition at line 433 of file

Referenced by initSearchPageOutput().

ObjectManager::initJSONOutput  )  [protected]

init the page for JSON output: blank template

Definition at line 393 of file

References BaseModule::setTemplate().

Referenced by initSearchPageOutput().

ObjectManager::initMainPage  ) 

initialize our main page...

basically redirect to search page. you'll lose your parameters... dont link to main page.

Reimplemented from BaseModule.

Reimplemented in BaseCalendar, and BaseThread.

Definition at line 319 of file

References Util::redirect().

ObjectManager::initPHPOutput  )  [protected]

init the page for PHP output: blank template

Definition at line 385 of file

References BaseModule::setTemplate().

Referenced by initSearchPageOutput().

ObjectManager::initRSSOutput  )  [protected]

init the page for RSS output: blank template

Definition at line 401 of file

References BaseModule::setTemplate().

Referenced by initSearchPageOutput().

ObjectManager::initSearch params  ) 

initialize our search.

sets up the query string.

$params a keyed array of parameters. same as search page.

Definition at line 569 of file

References dbEscape(), and getSearchQuery().

Referenced by initSearchPage(), search(), and searchCount().

ObjectManager::initSearchPage  ) 

initialize our search page.

pass off to initSearch()

Reimplemented in BaseAlerts, BaseCalendar, BaseInbox, BaseInvitations, BaseOutbox, BaseThread, and BaseUserActions.

Definition at line 327 of file

References initSearch(), initSearchPageOutput(), BaseModule::params(), search(), and BaseModule::setParam().

ObjectManager::initSearchPageOutput  )  [protected]

initialize the search page output type.

passes it off to each initFooOutput() function

Definition at line 349 of file

References initAutocompleteOutput(), initHTMLOutput(), initJSONOutput(), initPHPOutput(), initRSSOutput(), initXMLOutput(), and BaseModule::params().

Referenced by initSearchPage().

ObjectManager::initXMLOutput  )  [protected]

init page for XML output: XMLTemplate and checks to see if needed classes exist

Definition at line 409 of file

References BaseModule::setTemplate().

Referenced by initSearchPageOutput().

ObjectManager::isAdmin  ) 

This function determines admin status.

(passes off to object->isAdmin())

true if they are admin, false if not.

Definition at line 1413 of file

ObjectManager::loadObjects data  )  [protected]

load the database data into an array of objects

make this much more efficient and not so shitty v2.2 baby!
the data from the db in an array of arrays
an array of objects to use

Reimplemented in BaseInbox.

Definition at line 1079 of file

References factory(), and CacheBot::get().

Referenced by getSearchResult().

ObjectManager::search params = array(),
limit = null

search for objects.

you can call this to do custom searches.

$params a keyed array of parameters to search on.
$limit the maximum results to return. defaults to numRows, pass -1 for unlimited.
the result set.

Reimplemented in BaseCalendar.

Definition at line 1291 of file

References getSearchResult(), and initSearch().

Referenced by BaseThread::delete(), generateRss(), BaseThread::getComments(), getPaginationUrl(), getPublicData(), initSearchPage(), and userSearch().

ObjectManager::searchCount params = array(),
cache = true

just like search, except all you get is a count of objects.

use this when you only want the count (a cheap query) and not an array of the results.

$params a keyed array of parameters to search on.
$cache do we use the cache of teh count or start fresh?
the count of objects that match.

Definition at line 1318 of file

References initSearch().

ObjectManager::userSearch userId,
limit = null

search for a user's content..

$userId the id of the user.
$limit max results to get.
the result set.

Definition at line 1276 of file

References search().

Member Data Documentation

ObjectManager::$cacheSearchCount = true [static]

do we cache the search query count?

Definition at line 73 of file

ObjectManager::$cacheSearchQuery = false [static]

do we cache search query results?

Definition at line 78 of file

ObjectManager::$endRow = 0 [private]

private the row to end on.

based on resultPage and numRows

Definition at line 63 of file


public The total number of results we got.

Definition at line 38 of file


public The number of results per page (default: 15)

Definition at line 43 of file



Our object that we're working on.

Definition at line 28 of file

Referenced by __construct().



The name of the class of the object we're working on.

Definition at line 23 of file

ObjectManager::$query [protected]

protected The query string to use for getting objects

Definition at line 48 of file

Referenced by createSearchForm().

ObjectManager::$resultPage = 0 [private]

private what result page we're on.

(default: 0)

Definition at line 53 of file

ObjectManager::$searchCacheLife = 300 [static]

how long to cache the results of our search querys (count and the actual select)

Definition at line 83 of file

ObjectManager::$searchParams = array() [private]

private the array of parameters used in the last search

Definition at line 68 of file

ObjectManager::$startRow = 0 [private]

private the row to start on.

based on resultPage and numRows

Definition at line 58 of file

ObjectManager::$table [protected]


The name of the database table its linked to.

Definition at line 18 of file

Referenced by __construct().

ObjectManager::$useFullTextSearch = true

boolean of whether we use fulltext search or not.

Definition at line 88 of file

ObjectManager::$useRss = true

public Bool that determines if we use rss or not

Definition at line 33 of file

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